
The Mystery Box Show...

Sex and Testimonies

For more than 10 years, in Portland (Origon), The Mystery Box Show has provided a stage for people to tell a true story about sexuality and gender...

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Girl Sex 101


It is a theoretical and practical book about sexuality mainly between people with vulva. It talks about relationships, consent, body relationship...

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Sex and Psychology...

Sex and Science

Justin J. Lehmiller is a researcher in social psychology, primarily studying sexuality and human interactions. He created a blog in 2011 to popularize...

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Come as you are

Sex and Science

This book offers a scientific exploration of the functioning of female sexuality. The goal of the writer, Emily Nagoski, is to help us live our...

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OMGyes is an ambitious project. After collecting and analysing the testimonies of more than 20,000 women aged between 18 and 95, this website...

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Sex Education with...


This playlist of about forty videos is made by an awesome couple. They cover a wide range of sexual practices without taboos and in great depth:...

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King Kong Theory

Sex and Politics

By sharing personal experiences, Virginie Despentes tackles themes such as prostitution, rape, patriarchy and pornography by breaking down self-righteous...

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