À deux
Sex and Art
Louisadonna is an author, composer, producer, feminist activist and psychologist. Her first track, “À deux”, tackles a number of issues in heterosexual relationships: phallocentric sex, lack of consent, inequality in sexual pleasure (the famous “orgasm gap”).
This song does wonders for me, it’s a salvation, I can listen to it over and over again. With her pop style, punchlines that make me laugh and catchy melody, Louisadonna puts frank, direct and raw words to women’s experiences of heterosexual relationships. She really has a way with words… “Alors non j’veux pas d’anal, toi non plus ça fait mal” (So no, I don’t want anal, you don’t want it either), it’s so effective!
By the way, I’d recommend “Punchline”, another of her titles, about patriarchal injunctions, particularly on women’s bodies. And I leave you with one of my favorite lyrics: “La vie est trop courte pour s’épiler la chatte. J’ai pas que ça à foutre, est-ce que toi t’épluches tes tomates ?” (Life’s too short to wax your pussy. I’ve got more than that to do, do you peel your tomatoes?). Iris